Upcoming cruise - Mediterranean cruise

Dear Ralph and Martina, Thanks for the great website!
> It felt like someone handed me a lovely wrapped gift filled with all I need (almost) for my upcoming cruise! I especially liked the Athens and Dubrovnik parts. Please, do you have anything for us on Rome and Santorini?
> Have a wondeful time, and thank you once again for sharing valuable knowledge - I will make sure to have a toast on you after every successful day out!
> Thanks,
> Elna Pieterse (South Africa)

PS. Thanks for the great tips on Rome and Santorini as well! Your input is much appreciated. Will let you know how it went after June!

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Apr 13, 2011
Rome and Santorini help
by: Martina

Hi Elna,

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments, it makes all our work worthwile!

Have a fantastic cruise!

Martina and Ralph

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