by Mrs Kathryn Rofe
I'm from Australia and my husband and I and another couple are cruising the Mediterranean for 24 nights in May this year.
We were looking for an alternative to expensive shore excursions and wondering how we could manage to get to various places on our own.
Then I literally stumbled upon your wonderful website! What a treasure trove of information you provide! I am now going through all the info you provide for the ports we are visiting and I am selecting the info that we are interested in, printing it off, and placing it into individual pages in a display book.
I will then take the book with us and the night before I will take out the information for where we will arrive the following day. Then we will know exactly what we want to see and, more importantly, how to get there under our own steam.
My only regret is that we are visiting some ports that are not covered on your website. However, I am very grateful for the information that I have found. A big thank you from 4 Aussie travellers!!!
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